In English
Tanssiopisto Vinha
Kirkkoniementie 8
03400 Vihti
tel. 040 588 98 47
Welcome to Dance School Vinha!
Vinha is a dance school maintained by Luoteis-Uusimaan tanssiyhdistys Vinha (Northwest Uusimaa Dance Society Vinha). The teaching language in Vinha is Finnish, but English can be used as a supporting language when necessary and possible. The classes include children´s dance, contemporary dance, ballet, jazz and hip hop, while additional styles are featured on shorter courses. There are classes for children, teens and adults. Vinha has facilities in Karkkila, Lohja, Vihti and Nummela. Vinha provides basic education in the art of dance as determined by The Ministry of Education.
More information is available from the school office. The best time to reach us is from Monday to Friday 10-13 (10 am to 1 pm) by phone 040 588 98 47 or by e-mail
Enrolment and cancellation
Enrolment / registration for classes takes place in spring. Those already studying in the school have the opportunity to sign up for the next school year first, and any remaining vacant places are available for new students. The classes are filled in order by registration time. New students are also accepted during the school year, should any vacancies become available.
Enrolment takes place online via Eepos. For students under 18, the registration must be handled by the student’s parent or guardian. A valid e-mail address is required for the registration process
By enrolling, the student agrees to attend the classes through the whole school year (autumn and spring semesters) or until a cancellation notification is handed in. If a student decides to cancel in the middle of the year, he or she must hand in a written notice to the school office. If the notice is given in the middle of a semester, the student is still required to pay the tuition fee for the full semester.
New students may try out a class of their choice for the first two weeks with a 10 € registration fee. In addition, students who move to a new class have the right to change their choice of classes during the first two weeks of the semester. In case a student fails to cancel the enrolment properly and does not show up for the classes, you are required to pay for the equivalent of half the semester of tuition fees.
If there is no room in the desired class, the student will be placed on the waitlist. The dance school will inform people on the waitlist of possible vacancies both in the middle of the school year and at the beginning of the next enrolment period.
Tuition fees
The students pay for their classes in the form of tuition fees. Members of the same family are entitled to a family discount if they have informed the school about belonging to the same household in advance. Tuition fee invoices are sent out in the beginning of a semester. In case you need to negotiate the due dates, you should contact the office before the invoice falls due. It is not possible to start a new semester if the tuition fee for the previous semester is unpaid. The school adds an additional 5 € fee for each separate reminder invoice. If the tuition fee falls for debt collection, any applicable penalty interest and collection agency fees are added to the invoiced sum.
In some cases, Dance School Vinha may accept reduced tuition fees or non-paying students. Both are by separate application only, and the decision is made by the society´s board based on financial circumstances and motivation for learning. Please note that you must already be enrolled before applying for the non-paying program. Open applications for the autumn semester and the entire school year must be delivered to the office by the end of August. Applications for the spring semester should be delivered by the end of January. The application must be addressed to the headmaster, Overdue applications will not be processed.